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Oblate Spring


Page 2

What's a Benedictine Oblate?

First Book to Read (Page 1)

What's an oblate? (Page 2)

Becoming an Oblate (Page 3)

Links to Oblate Resources (Page 4)

Index (Page 5) to: 
Mini Index
Expanded Index

What's New (Page 6)

An "oblation" is an offering or gift to God. Oblates are men and women who offer their lives to God.  Benedictine oblates maintain a stable and life-long spiritual union with one monastery.  Oblates live outside a monastery, wear regular clothes, and often have a spouse and job.

Benedictine oblates draw on deep spirituality by praying the Divine Office and following the 1,500 year old Rule of St. Benedict as their schedule permits.

Benedictine oblates pursue lectio divina (divine reading), and silent contemplative prayer, and oblates strive for the monastic lifestyle as their state in life allows.

Benedictine oblates prefer nothing to the love of Christ and oblates support a spirit of gentle community among themselves in their Oblate program at the monastery.  Many monasteries have such Oblate programs.


If you have a question, you are welcome to e-mail me.  

And/or consider joining one of the several monastic
message boards or discussion forums.  There are several listed here, my favorite and the one I learn the most from is MonasticLife Yahoo Group.


"In like manner let those who are sent on a journey not permit the
appointed hours to pass by; but let them say the office by themselves as best they can,
and not neglect to fulfill the obligation of divine service."

Chapter 50, Rule of St. Benedict
On Brethren Who Are Working Far From the Oratory (place of prayer) or Are on a Journey

Go to Page 3, Becoming an Oblate